Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in determining the value of a claim. They meticulously analyze several factors to arrive at an accurate and fair compensation amount for their clients. The process is often complex, requiring extensive knowledge and experience in personal injury law.
One of the first things that personal injury attorneys consider when valuing a claim is the extent of the physical injuries sustained by their client. This includes not only immediate injuries but also any long-term or permanent disabilities that may result from the accident. Medical reports, doctor’s notes, and hospital bills are carefully reviewed to ascertain the severity of these injuries and calculate related costs.
The second factor considered is economic damages – quantifiable monetary losses resulting from an accident. This typically includes medical expenses, loss of earnings due to inability to work, property damage, and future financial losses stemming from ongoing medical treatment or diminished earning capacity.
Another vital consideration is non-economic damages which refer to intangible losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment in life activities, disfigurement or physical impairment. These damages are harder to quantify as they don’t have a direct cost associated with them; however, they significantly impact a person’s quality of life post-accident.
Attorneys also take into account punitive damages – additional compensation awarded as punishment if it’s found that the defendant acted with gross negligence or malicious intent. While not applicable in every case, they can significantly increase a claim’s value.
In addition to these factors directly related to client’s situation, lawyers also consider external elements such as jurisdictional rules affecting lawsuit timelines and damage caps on certain types of claims – both can influence final settlement amounts.
It’s important for personal injury attorneys to assess liability accurately too; establishing who was at fault for an accident plays a significant role in determining how much compensation one can receive. In some cases where multiple parties share responsibility for an accident (comparative negligence), this could reduce the amount plaintiff could potentially recover.
Lastly, the plaintiff’s credibility and likeability can also influence a claim’s value. Juries tend to award higher damages to plaintiffs they find sympathetic or credible. Hence, attorneys may consider the client’s demeanor, honesty, and overall presentation when valuing a claim.
In conclusion, personal injury attorneys use their expertise to evaluate several factors when determining the value of a claim. This comprehensive approach ensures that clients receive fair compensation for both economic and non-economic losses incurred due to an accident. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about justice and ensuring victims are adequately compensated for their pain and suffering.
Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys
1170 PA-315, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702