Weight-related problems affect people across all age groups. Overweight is the condition where excess fats accumulate in the body. Due to the increase in body mass, many issues surround the body. Body mass index is the measure of calculating the weight of the human body. If the person has a body mass index value greater than twenty-five, he is overweight. If the BMI value is more than 30, it is obese. Many complications linked with weight will lead to diseases. The causes and treatment of the overweight conditions are covered here.
Causes and treatment of the metabolic disorder obesity
When the calories taken by the people is not proper, it will accumulate in the body. Food rich in sugar, fat is the main reason for the overweight. Due to the sedentary lifestyle, extra muscles develop around the belly. Many reasons are behind this obesity are work nature, eating behaviour, and others. People with obesity will get other complications like heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, skeletal disorders, and cancer. Lorcaserin (belviq) is the medicine used for treating obesity and it is available in offline and online stores. The physician can prescribe the dose for the people and it is taken along with regular food. Risk of heart disease reduces if weight is managed properly with balanced diet.
Prevention of obesity and other weight loss treatment
Obesity is prevalent in people of all ages especially teenage people who eat more junk food and follow a sedentary lifestyle. Weight loss treatment is the process of weight reduction. Low-calorie food is a must for weight loss. Surgery is the option for people with the most advanced stage of obesity. A lifestyle change is necessary for the Anti-obesity agents administered by the doctors to the patients. There are anti-obesity agents present in the market like Cetilistat and orlistat. Both medicine used in treating diseases related to obesity and overweight.
The weight reduction techniques used for treatment
Weight is the main reason for diabetes. The first step to reduce the overweight is regular exercise, proper eating habits, and others. The medicine is available as a tablet as well as in power form. The dosage decided by the doctor given according to the type of obesity conditions. Consult the doctor about physical exercise and do the daily activities to reduce the body weight. There is a Comparision like Cetilistat vs orlistat because both are useful in reducing the overweight. Physical exercise, counselling, yoga are need of the hour for the people.